WOD 4/12

Level Two
A. Power Clean to Push Press x 3 x 6 @70-75% Rest 2:00
B1. Snatch High Pulls x3 x 4 Rest 1:00
B2. Box Dips 5-5-5-AMAP -1 Rest 2:00
C. Wall Ball x10 x 3 Rest 1:00

Cash Out
2:00 Right and Left Side Planks (As much as you can)

Level One (Day 1)

7:00 AMRAP
100 M Run
5 Push-ups
100 M Run
5 Squats
*Record total rounds + additional reps

“I have learned to use the word impossible with the greatest caution.” – Werner Braun

Strength Training Programs: What a Puppy Can Teach You About Resistance Training Progress
*Post thoughts to comments


  • We’ve started a new morning and evening bootcamp at 1379 Running @ Arbor Trails! Learn more here.
  • Get those tube socks out! TOMORROW is our “Risky Run” Pub Run! We hope to see you there… More details here. 

AM – Level 1
Amber 3
Loren 4
Allison 2
Lockwood 4
Eileen 2
Natalie 4
AM – Level 2
Bubbles S
Beast S
Becky S
Janice S
Pam S
Sparker S
2-Toned Wed 18:20
Snooki S
Colleen S
Cindy S
Haley S
Paul S
Michael S
Erica S
Valyn S
Sarah S
9am S
Bryan S
Sandy S
Dusty S
Ray S
Kirk S
Mikey S
Christina S
AM – Ladies’
Jenny S
Michelle S
Chapel S
Mer S
Emily S
12P – Level 1
Jeff 2
Kara 3
Murray 3
Tanya 3
Alan 4
Eric 3
Brock 6
Melissa 4
PM – Level 2
Kristin S
Tristy S
Jables S
Marissa S
Crash S
Winner S
Ed S
Kiehl S
Gabriel S
Sanchez S
Chaz S
Lane S
Nic S
Randy S
Danny S
Leah S
Danimal S
Jenna S
Ruffino S
Desiree S
Angela S
Pinky S
David S
Pam S
Greg S
Veronica S
MegO S
LaRos S
Nicole S
Elena S
Vanessa S
Parnell S
Sting S
Cooey S
PM – Level 1
Jamey 6 35lb
Stephen 5 35lb
Stormye 4 35lb
Jennifer 4 20lb
Matthew 4
C2 4
Missy 4
Janet 5
Egan 3
Natalia 3
Mr. T. 5
Brandon 6
Denise 5
George 6