WOD 11/12

Performance – Week 3 of 3 Strength Phase
A. Jerk x1x7 by feel Rest 2:00
*Weight Recorded
400 M Sled Drag @ 45 lb, 25 lb
*every minute 5 Clap Push-ups
*Total Push-ups recorded

Foundations (Test)
Kip/Jumping Pull ups

5 Rounds
200m Sprint (Start at the corner)
5 Burpee Pull ups
Rest Walk back

Front Plank + Slow inch Worm  x60 secs + 1 (Focus on heels down early)x 3

“Find the good. It’s all around you. Find it, showcase it & you’ll start believing in it.” – Jesse Owens

What's your best Snatch story?

What’s your best Snatch story?

Foundations – AM
Bryan 12:04
Vy 12:07
Melanie 12:11
Kevin 12:48
Courtney 13:51
Adrian 14:59
Daniel 15:28
Kavi 14:14
Performance – AM
Tineke 75
Red 75
Matt 185
Mitch 165
John 155
Ken 145
Robert 165
Jim 175
Humberto 85
Gage 195
Healy 80
Jose 125
Gwar 155
Meridith 85
Dayna 115
Ed 125
Tommy 275
Steve 175
Josh 175
Brooks 205
Corn Dog 75
Jannica 75
Lisa 80
Tow Matt 155
Billy 155
Mercy 85
Michele 105
Ray 195
Kayleen 105
Ladies Class
Mer 90
Sydney 80
Lulu 105
Foundations – Noon
Performance- PM
Eric 165/35
Gil 130/30
Pam 100
Coco 95
Andy 165
Taylor 125
Jessica 85
ERod 195/15
Paul 215/15
Cassie 105/20
Jillian 105/20
Morgan 90/15
KJ 105/25
Nicole 105/20
Carolyn 85/30
Page 195/10
Velvet 95/20
Evil 85/15