WOD 11/14

Level Two
A1. DB Bent over Row x8x4 @ 20X0
A2. 50 M Farmer Walk (R2R)x2x4
A3. DB Reverse Lunges x8/legx4

8 Rounds of 1:00 AMRAP
100m Power Skips
*Record Burpees
*Jog back

Level One (TEST DAY)
Dip Progressions

A1. Dips x 3-5 x 5
A2. Ring Rows x3-5 x 5

3 Rounds
8 Renegade Rows (Push-up, R, L = 1)
20 M Lunge (10 M down and back)

How to anticipate better
*Post thoughts to comments

“You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be.” – David Viscott

The Tantons before Godai on Saturday! Congrats, y'all - great work!

AM – Level 1
Andre 9:30
Mike 10:05
Eugenia 10:13
Hannah 9:56
Shanon 6:00
Kayleen 7:46
Morgen 6:05
The King 6:00
AM – Level 2
Sparker 51
Guthrie 68
Valyn 49
Alex 44
Jackie 54
Eileen 10
Ivan 79
Jessie 74
JV 69
MegO 44
Sean 78
Styx 82
Ballet 101
Debbie 29
Marissa 84
Kyle 79
Ryan 86
12P – Level 2
Jonathan 89
Avtar 60
Laila 72
49er 54
Linzi 74
PM – Level 2
Kiehler 90
Diana 60
Gil ?
Fro 69
Mrs Fro 49
Smitty 74
Jamey 74
G 54
Melissa 60
Lane 111
Cowboy 72
Holly 64
Pam 44
Jeanette 60
LG 36
Kavi 83
Raul 87
Andy 92
Adrian 64
C2 65
Denise 75
Desiree 54
Wade 85
KT 58
Marky Marc 72
PM – Level 1
Jillian 5:38
Darrell 5:59
Ruben 6:44
Leslie 6:37
Valerie 6:19
Carlo 5:19
Big Easy 5:04
Tristan 6:40
Rajesh 6:22
Jimmy 5:56
Laurel 4:37
G-raffe 7:29