WOD 11/15

Level Two
A. Power Clean & Jerk 3-2-1-3-2-1 (Wave load ex. 75%,80%,85%) Rest 2:00
B. Front Squat x3x3@85% Rest 3:00
C. 3 Step Squat x3x3 @ 65% Rest 2:00
D. WTD Chin ups x3x5 @RPE 8 Rest 2:00

Level One

Hip Snatch
Back Squat

A. Hip Snatch x2x6
B1. Low Box Squat x6-8×3 @ 31X0
B2. Supermans x5x3
C. RDL x6-8×3 @ 3111

A case for the 11th fitness domain: Self-confidence
*Post thoughts to comments

“Success is the prize for those who stand true to their ideas.” – Josh S. Hinds

Congratulations to Miguel, Alex, and Shane for their performances at the Power Output Challenge last weekend!

AM – Level 1
Shanon S
Morgen S
AM – Level 2
Guthrie S
Shug S
Schmidty S
Mikey S
Alex S
Ken S
Leah S
Big Spoon S
Janet S
MegO S
Nicole S
Jessie S
Danimal S
Schittone S
Kyle S
Erich S
Michele S
Caitlyn S
Walker S
Ray S
AM – Ladies’
Josie S
Irl S
Jenny S
Emily S
Rachel S
Alyson S
Linzi S
12P – Level 1
Dixie S
G-Raffe S
Jonathon S
PM – Level 2
Marissa S
Clint S
Amy S
Helen S
Gil S
E-Rod S
Nic S
Tasha S
Zac S
Lane S
Diana S
Parnell S
Kara S
Phillip S
Evil S
Twin S
Missy S
Holly S
PM – Level 1
Her S
Vanessa S
M-n-M S
Leslie S
Ruben S
Jillian S