WOD 11/16



15 Minutes AMRAP
10 Ring Rows
10 DB Push Press (35 lb, 20 lb)
200 M Run

Getting Kids to eat clean

Put your heart, mind, intellect, and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.
-Swami Sivananda Saraswati

– If you heaven’t, already please email me your after pictures for the Paleo Challenge by the end of the day.
– Give the gift of CrossFit HERE!


Saturday Morning Team Airrosti!

AM Results
Press MetCon
Kirk 125 7 (30 lb)
Andrew 120 7 Rx
Shauna 90 9 Rx
Ray 85 8 (20 lb)
Jerry 120 8 (30 lb)
Rob 140 10 Rx
Wes 220 10 Rx
PM Results
Nugget 180 11 Rx
Louis 95 8 (20 lb)
Stephen 130 8 (30 lb)
Heiny 95 8 Rx
Tristy 80 9 Rx
Pato 145 9 Rx
Blake 175 9 Rx
Winner 55 9 (15 lb)
Courtney 65 7 (15 lb)
Stacey 90 11 Rx
Betsy 80 9 Rx
Aubrey 55 8 (15 lb)
Aurelia 45 8 (15 lb)
Keir 140 8 Rx
Boone 165 10 Rx
Kevin 105 7 (30 lb)
Outdoor CrossFit
Amanda 11:07
Jamie 10:36
Linda 11:35
Christian 10:54
Melinda 11:29
Tori 11:20