WOD 11/19

Buy In/Cash Out
3x Max Hollow Hold

5 Sets
3-5 Back Squats @4010
:30 Rest
1:00 Double Under Practice
:30 Rest
8-12 Push-ups/Ring Push-ups/Ring Dips @2010
2:00 Rest
*Post Weights and notes to comments


4 Rounds
6 Pull-ups
15 Single Jumps
6 Handstand Push-ups
15 Double Unders
6 Pistols total
*time recorded

Framework vs. Re enactment

Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend. -Martin Luther King, Jr.

Thanksgiving week schedule
Monday & Tuesday- Normal Schedule
Wednesday- Normal Morning Class, Noon, and 5:30 PM
: Thundercloud Turkey Trot Thanksgiving Day!
Friday: 10 AM Workout only
Saturday: Normal 10 AM Team workout

AM Results
Jables 9:13 (P, Assisted)
Megan L. 8:46 (P, S, Assisted)
Jordan 11:11 (P, Assisted)
Eddie 9:19 (P, S, Assisted)
Tow Matt 9:37 (P, Assisted)
Aaron 10:56 (P, S, Assisted)
Bill 11:03 (P, S, Assisted)
Ray 11:08 (P, Assisted)
Stephanie 11:15 (P, Assisted)
Nugget 5:53 MOD
Rob 6:23 (Assisted)
Shane 7:01 Rx
Blake 7:09 (Assisted)

9:58 MOD

Crash 10:37 (Pike, Band, S,A)
Heather 10:45 (Pike, Band, A)
Sleeves 7:54 Rx
Betsy 8:00 (Pike, A)
Juan Carlos 8:45 (Pike, A)
John 9:11 (Pike, A)