WOD 11/2

Level Two
A1. Kip Pull-ups x4-6×3 rest :30
A2. Weighted Step-ups x10/leg x3 Rest :60
*Post notes to comments

3 Rounds:
400m Run
10 Ring Row
10 KB Swings (24K, 16K)
400m Run
10 Ring Row
10 KB Swings (24K, 16K)
*Time recorded

Level One (Day 5)
Ring Dips

3 Rounds:
2:00on / 1:00 off 
10 Wall Balls
Front Plank
*With partners, alternate movements (one on wall balls, one on plank, then switch)
*Record total wall balls

It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person – Always do what you are afraid to do.– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Gaining Weight
*Post thoughts to comments

**Please email your best push-up man photo to tristy@crossfitaustin.com as soon as possible!!** 
– Congrats to Coach Blake and Carissa for each taking home a gold medal at the USAPL Lone Star Challenge! Extra congrats to Carissa for breaking the state record in the Squat and Bench Press! 
– – Please send a picture of yourself to caitlyn@crossfitaustin.com or stop by her desk and “say cheese”!
– – – Sunday Yoga classes are back starting this Sunday at 11:00am! Our resident Yoga enthusiast Leah Alter will be leading her classes while our standard instructor, Colleen, focuses on her pregnancy. To learn more and sign up for classes, click here.

Carissa shattered multiple state records at this past weekend’s USAPL Lone Star Challenge! Way to go lady!!

Level 1 – AM
Team Latte 135 (10#)
Shufflin WallBallas 137 (20#)
Level 2 – AM (3Rnds)
MegO 13:30 Rx
Rhea 10:04 Rx
Mike 9:08 Rx
Turk 7:57 Rx
Ty 8:07 Rx
Chris 8:53 (16K)
Michele 11:29 (12K)
MGJ 11:34 Rx
Kavi 8:48 Rx
Ballet 7:47 Rx
Erica 9:01Rx
Senator 11:29 Rx
Melicious 10:26 Rx
Beast 10:12 Rx
9Am 9:58 Rx
Caitlyn 11:54 (12K)
Ray 7:46 Rx
Eric 8:16 Rx
Macaroni 7:19 Rx
Level 2 – 12P (6 Rnds)
Ray 7:46 Rx
Blake 18:42 Rx+32
Cody 13:08 Rx
TarHeel 23:30 Rx
Eric W 18:33 Rx
Crash 23:48 Rx
Heather 21:24 Rx
Tristy 19:32 (Mod)
Davis 13:08 (16K)
Clapper 22:56 Rx
Lance 14:40 Rx
Thurst 21:05 (16K)
Shane 18:57 Rx+32
Rob 17:47 Rx+32
Level 2 – PM (6 Rnds)
Sherman 22:06 Rx
Tasha 18:44 Rx
Sanchez 18:24 Rx
G. 19:22 Rx
Marco 22:42 Rx
Big Shug 24:30 Rx
David 19:26 Rx
Gilbert S
Geno 23:29 Rx
Jerry 19:12 Rx+32K
Jon 16:32 Rx+32k

19:49 Rx

Level 1 – PM
Gary and Chris 111
Josh and Mel 85
Canada and Paddy Ice 170
Bones and Jerry 161
Melissa, Ana and Irl 120
LG and Debbie 130
Tierra and Margarita 128
Level 2-pm
Carissa 21:45 Rx
Christy 17:27 Rx
AG 18:45 Rx
Danny 15:10 Rx
Jenna 17:59 (MOD)
KT 23:23 (MOD)
Chrissy 21:35 Rx
Ross 19:39 (16 K)
Ryan 19:37 Rx
Mikey 17:53 Rx+32
Corey 18:42 Rx
Lana 22:09 (12K)
Megan 20:34 Rx
Teeny 22:24 Rx
Schittonne “victim of the darkness”
Jeff 19:15 (16K)
Jules 22:33 Rx