WOD 11/21

Level Two
A1.DB Bent over Rowx8x4, 20X0 Rest :30
A2.Farmer Walk (R2R)x2x4 Rest :30
A3.DB Reverse Lungesx8/ea legx4 Rest :30

8 Rounds
Shuttle Run 50m-100m
10 American Swings
5 Pull ups
Rest 1:00

Level One
Headstand to Handstand Holds
Wall Walk
Kick up

3 Rounds of 5:00 AMRAP
10 Ring Rows
15 Cowbell Swings
20 Squats
400m Run
Rest 2:00
*Total Time Recorded

The stress of life: How stress can impact your workout
*Post thoughts to comments

“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” – Thomas Jefferson

AM – Level 1
Ruhlin 4 (14lb)
Carlo 3 (10lb)
Jimmy 3 (MOD)
Andre 3 (14lb)
Her 4 (10lb)
Garrett 4 (10lb)
Shanon 3 (10lb)
AM – Level 2
Big Spoon 17:07
Mitch 19:52
Alex 19:57
Sparker 19:27
Jessie 19:28
JV 20:14
Ivan 18:43
Ryan 17:33
Brad 17:26
Ballet 17:45
Jeff 18:06
Schittone 20:43
King 18:26
Tow Matt 18:08
Brandee 18:35
Cullen 16:50
Dayna 16:33
E-Rod 18:55
Valyn 18:50
Melissa 16:25
Ray 17:39
Robert 21:05
G 18:40
12P – Level 2
Lane 16:51
Jonathan 17:23
Walker 19:27
Smitty 19:10
Laila 17:46
49er 17:53
Avtar 19:28
Mer 20:30
Wade 20:29
PM – Level 2
Debbie 24:26
John 21:31
Nic 17:27
Adrian 21:14
Andy 19:37
Kara 18:29
Dan 18:13
Denise 19:03
George 18:10
John 18:54
PM – Level 1
Vanessa 3 (10lb)
G-Raff 4 (14lb)
Rajesh 3 (10lb)