WOD 11/21
Performance – Week 1 of 2 Base Stabilization Phase
A. Power Snatch by feel x3x7 (appx. 75-85%) Rest 2:00
B. Back Squat x4x4 @ 80-85% Rest 3:00
C1. RDL x5x5 Rest :30
C2. Kip Pull-ups x5x5 Rest :90 (Scale up to CTB if 5 is easy)
Kipling pull ups
A. Chin over bar hold x30secsx3
3 rounds
500m Row
25 Wall Balls
Rest 1 min
“Most people give up just when they’re about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game one foot from a winning touchdown.” – Ross Perot
Foundations – AM | |
Mike | 12:20 |
Daniel | 12:38 |
Bryan | 12:47 |
Rachel | 15:00 |
Performance – AM | |
Sissy | |
Jonathan | |
Vy | |
Gage | |
Carlos | |
Lee | |
John | |
Tineke | |
Ian | |
Janet | |
Ken | |
Humberto | |
Matthew | |
Meridith | |
Tom | |
2 Chain | |
Jannica | |
Jessie | |
Jose | |
Kevin | |
Red | |
Corn Dog | |
Sarah | |
Michele | |
Jenny | |
Chance | |
Ray | |
Mercy | |
Foundations – Noon | |
Jessica | 12:14 |
Dustin | 12:21 |
RC | 12:39 |
Malia | 12:55 |