WOD 11/27
Performance – Week 2 of 2 Base Stabilization Phase
A. Power Snatch by feel x3x5 (appx. 80-85%) Rest 2:00
B. Back Squat x3x5 @ 80-85% Rest 3:00
C1. RDL x4x4 Rest :30
C2. Kip Pull-ups x4x4 Rest :90 (Scale up to CTB if 4 is easy)
*Goal is to increase all weights from Last week
Foundations (Test)
Kip Pull up
A. Single Leg Step-up x8x3@Work Up
4 Rounds
2 Suicide 25m-50m
10 Burpee
10 KB Swing
90 Secs Front Plank (Test)
“Make sure your worst enemy doesn’t live between your own two ears.”– Laird Hamilton
Foundations – AM | |
Brad | 8:07 |
Vince | 6:15 |
Performance – AM | |
Janet | |
Humberto | |
Melanie | |
Gage | |
Adrian | |
Jonathan | |
Carlos | |
Lee | |
Mitch | |
Gilbert | |
Tow Matt | |
Jose | |
Sarah | |
Kristi | |
Billy | |
Ray | |
Nicole | |
Performance – Noon | |
Rita | |
Dixie | |
Eric | |
Brian | |
Erica | |
Gil | |
Velvet | |
Jared | |
Taylor | |
Meridith | |
Julia | |
Leah | |
All Levels – PM | |
ABC | |
Avtar | |
Matt | |
Chris | |
Leah | |
Eric | |
Malia | |
Rachael | |
Cassie | |
Dan | |