WOD 1/28
Buy In/Cash Out
3×10 Supermans
3×10/arm DB External Rotations
5 Sets
20 Walking Lunges (Total, DB by your side)
Rest :30
Side Planks :60/Side
Rest :30
8-10 Kipping Pull-ups
Rest :30
8-10 Push-ups
Rest 1:00
5 Rounds
5 Front Squats (135 lb, 95 lb)
5 Handstand Push-ups
5 Burpees
200 M Run
Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal. The winner is he who gives himself to his work, body and soul. -Charles Buxton
The Spiral of Success
*Post thoughts to comments
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Chad Vaughn’s Training Invitational on Feb. 12th. For more information, go here!
JJ Repping the old school push-up man with the Vics of Bayou City CrossFit
AM Results | |
Mike | 12:12 (95lbs, Pike) |
Fro | 9:55 (115lbs, Pike) |
Nick | 8:37 Rx |
C.c. | 10:33 (MOD) |
Jerry | 11:55 Rx |
Page | 12:17 (115lbs, Pike) |
Kirk | 11:32 (Pike) |
Rob | 10:17 Rx |
Melicious | 11:41 (65lbs, KPike) |
Ginger | 11:15 (MOD) |
Ray | 10:21 (85lbs) |
Sam | 10:05 (MOD) |
Nugget | 7:15 Rx |
Noon | |
Senator | 17:50 (45lbs, F.Pike) |
Blake | 11:00 Rx |
Liz | 13:34 (F.Pike) |
Alida | 11:32 (K.Pike) |
Chris | 12:07 (Pike) |
Sleeves | 10:25 Rx |
Christy | 9:38 (60lbs, Pike) |
Gena | 11:28 (65lbs, Pike) |
J.C. | 11:43 (115lbs, Pike) |