WOD 11/29

Level Two

A. Squat x3x3 @ 85-90% Rest appx 4:00-5:00
*Warm up quickly, do not count sets until you’ve reached correct RPE
B. RDL x5x3 rest 2:00
*work to a challenging weight all sets at the same weight.
C. Auxiliary Circuit 6-8 reps of each exercise, 3-5 rounds, no rest between sets but quality reps, this is not for time:
– Hip Thrusts (Bar only)
– Single Arm OH Step-ups (Light DB, or just raised arm)
– Strict Toes to Bar
– Super Mans

Level One (Day 5)
Ring Dips

3 Rounds (3:00 on/ 1:00 off):
200 M Run
5 Wall Balls
5 Push-ups
5 Sit-ups w/ MB
*Record total rounds
*When the 2nd rounds starts, athletes should start where they finished in round one

Act as if what you do makes a difference.  It does. – William James

Good Posture
*Post thoughts to comments

– The Tour de Turkey Team Challenge is off to a great start! If you are competing and were unable to WOD yesterday, be sure to schedule the make up session today!
-Coach Chad is back starting this Thursday!  His classes will be offered at 2:00pm, 5:30pm and 6:30pm.  The sign up process has changed.  His classes are now listed here under “Specialty Classes”.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.  

 AM Results
 Kristin S
 Chris S
 Janice S
 Mego S
 Cindy S
 Erica S
 Can2 S
 9 AM S
 Ballet S
 Michele S
 Peter S
 Eric S
 Macaroni S
 Pattie S
 Lance S
 Jenny S
 Audra S
 Ladies Class
Meredith 4 Rounds
Chapel :58 1:02 15 24 12:21
 Level I Noon
 In Line  4
 Melanie  4
Lola 5
Amy 4
Angela 5
Tiffany 5
Tristy 6
PM Results
David S
Stephen S
Danimal S
Charlie ?
Cat S
Liz S
Leah S
Betsy S
Jon S
Jerry W
Boone S
Bayou Jesse S
Chas :54/:53 34 44 8:40
Chrissy S
Jennifer S
Turk S
Greg 7
Corey S
Elena S
Uzi S
Ross S
Ryan S
Debbie S
Carissa S
Jerry G. S