WOD 11/4

3 x Max Reps Handstand Push-ups (if you have more than 3) or Hand Stand Holds+Pike Push-ups


AMRAP in 12 Minutes
3 Hang Power Cleans
6 Front Sqaut
9 Push-ups
M=135 W=95

Be fit for more than the thing you are now doing. Let everyone know that you have a reserve in yourself; that you have more power than you are now using. If you are not too large for the place you occupy, you are too small for it.-James A. Garfield

-The brand new Akins CrossFit Boot Camp starts Monday, November 9th @ 4:45 PM Click HERE for more info or to sign up!
For all you Paleo Challengers (or anyone that is interested) we will have a group shopping trip on Saturday (for real this time) to the Sunset Valley Farmers Market. 11 AM promptly after the 10 AM workout.


AM Results
Matt 8 (95 lb)
Mike 7 (95 lb)
Stephen 10 (95 lb, 20 lb Press)
Rufio 9 (95 lb)
Jerry 9  (75 lb)
Tara 11 (35 lb Knee)
Amber 12 (35 lb Knee)
Tow Matt 9 (75 lb)
Bill 9 (45 lb Knee)
Laura 9 (35 lb Knee)
PM Results
Jables 12 (45 lb Knees)
Betsy 12 (65 lb Knees)
Rob 8 (95 lb)
Sherman 8 Rx
Kiehler 8 (115 lb)
Big Matt 8 (115 lb)
Ally 11 (45 lb, Knee)
Heiny 9 (65 lb, Knee)
Claire 10 (35 lb, Knee)
G. 9 (45 lb, Knee)
Pato 12 (115 lb)
Flury 8 (35 lb, Knee)
Robert 9 Rx
Blake 8 Rx
Tristy 12 (75 lb, Knee)
Ashley 11 (35 lb, Knee)
Winner 9 (35 lb, Knee)
Boone 9 Rx
Dave H. 8 (95 lb, Knee)
Kirk 8 (75 lb)
Wes 13 Rx
Smeth 9 (95 lb)
On Ramp
Rey 199