WOD 11/4

Buy In/Cash Out
1:00 Hamstring Stretch w/ band or partner/leg
10 Pistols/ leg

Make Up/Skill Day
More Lunges
Thruster Repeats

Squat Program
Frankenstein Squats 3×5 @ 3311
Front Squat 3×5 @ 2113 (Focus on a perfect rack position)
Back Squats 4×6-8 @ 40X0

Does cortisone help?

Be true to your work, your word, and your friend. -Henry David Thoreau

-New Weightlifting Classes start today spots open @ 3 PM, 6:30 PM, and 7:30 PM
-CFA will be hosting the Big Dawg Challenge Nov. 13th!  Find out more information here
-Post Big Dawgs Challenge,  Pilgrims and Indians Thanksgiving Pub Run November 13th!
Thundercloud Turkey Trot Thanksgiving Day!

CFA sunrise...See what you would have to look forward to in the morning classes:)

AM Results
Melicious 12:29 (45lbs, KPike)
Cat 364
Eddie 332
Bill 10:28 (MOD)
PM Results
Betsy 11:04 (53 lb, H)
Patrick 16:07 (75 lb)
Liz 14:44 (53 lb)
Schittone :78, 75 lb
John :72, 115 lb
David :82, 115 lb
Stephen :90, 135 lb
G. 357
Jamie 433
Wes :70, 185 lb
Stacey :73, 115 lb
Christy 333
Skipper :70, 95 lb
Heiny Squats
Stephanie 11:12 (15 lb, S)
Kavi :78/95 lb
Darlene 502
Jen 240?
Ginger 147