WOD 11/4

All Levels
6 Rounds:
:30 Burpee
:30 Rest
:30 Pull-ups
:30 Rest
:30 Front Rack Reverse Lunge (75 lb, 45 lb)
:30 Rest
*Total reps recorded

– We’re updating our records and would love to include a picture of your smiling face! Come by Caitlyn’s desk or email a picture to her (caitlyn@crossfitaustin.com)
– – Sunday Yoga Classes are back this Sunday (11/6) at 11:00am with Yoga enthusiast and member Leah Alter! To find out more, click here.  
– – – We hope you’ve marked your calendars for Ladies’ Night (11/8) and Men’s Night (11/10) – it’s sure to be a lot of fun!
– – – – Running classes start up next week (11/8) with Coach Aaron! To find more information and sign up for these classes, click here.

Great work on the Kip Progression, Cat!

AM Results
Erica 214
Can2 152
Ballet 201
Mel 207
Senator 144
Valyn 150
Teeny 200
Michele 130
Rhea 186
Elizabeth 160
Michael 181
Sherman 184
Eric 192
Ray 220
Peter 140
Jenny 169
Tristy 135
12P Results
Rob 232
Shane 236
Cat ?
Danny 224
Lance 191
Mikey 185
Heather 184
Aaron 195
Jesse 164
Mer 138
Tasha 164
Martin 160
Jorge 184
Anita ?