WOD 1/15

We will have a 9 AM class to accommodate the large number of people signed up for class today!

Buy In/Cash Out
3 x 10 Pike Push-ups 
3x 20 accumulated seconds of:  Chin-up Holds (CTB, False grip CTB, or Ring False Grips)

Maximal Power Test
3 Attempts to find your highest vertical jump


Strength Endurance Test
As Fast as possible:
5 Rounds
5 Deadlifts @ 70% of your 1RM (CFT results here
Max Push-ups (M:  handstand, W:  Standard)
Score=Total Push-ups

-The Circle of Awesomeness Challenge page has been updated!  Take a look here
Austin Gorilla Run January 22nd!

DL/HSPU Vertical Jump
Debbie 25 (9:01) 125# 11”
Darlene 33 (6:56) 125# 15”
Kirk 19 (12:48) 220# 20”
Liz 23 (6:17)140# 14”
David 5 (10:08)  270# 18”
Alex 1 (9:41) 225# 22”
Cat 60 (10:01) 200# 16”
Tow Matt 70 (16:17)  225# 19”
Anthony 51 pu (15:27) 145# 19”
Aubrey 36 (11:01) 145# 18”
Nick 78 (17:02) 255# 24”
Christy 75 (16:35) 97# 16”
Carissa 89 (15:19) 140# 13”
Sleeves 42 (16:04) 255# 26”
Jerry 56 (17:24) 215# 22”
Tasha 22 (13:11) 110# 15”
Geno 17 (14:50) 280# 24”
J.C. 2 (7:20) 205# 21”
Kavi 0 (15:30) 165# 18”
Aaron 45 rom (17:21) 215# 19”
Blake 34 (15:10) 320# 23”
Kristin 51 (15:29) 125# 13”
JJ 0 (7:30) 205# 15”
Jables 54 (14:30) 125# 17”
Stacey 92 (16:13) 165# 20”
Free WOD
Fairy Feet (CJ, Elizabeth, Tiffany) 5
Regulators (Jacque, Jay) 4
Ketchup (Cody, Abby, and Danielle) 5
BobaFet (Kate, David, Colleen) 6