WOD 1/16

Level Two
Skill Session
A1. HSPU xAMRAP (-3) x5 Rest :45
A2. Kip Toes to Bar xAMRAP (-3) x5 Rest :45
A3. Hang Snatch x3x5 @ RPE 7 x 5 Rest :45
*Scale to a version you can complete at least 3 reps per round

3 Rounds
400m Run
15 Unbroken Thrusters (95 lbs, 65 lb)
20 Double Unders
*Total Time, Rx or Thruster Scaling weight recorded

Level One (Day 1)
Push Ups

5-7 Minute AMRAP
100 M Run
5 Push-ups
100 M Run
5 Squats (you can scale up to OVHD, or Goblet Squat)
*Record total rounds + additional reps

Good order is the foundation of all good things.– Edmund Burke

What matters and what I can control
*Post thoughts to com


  • Start the new year off right with Chad Vaughn’s Olympic Lifting Classes! Sign up here!
  • The Circle of Awesomeness Challenge is coming! Sign up here!
  • We want to hear your CFA story! We are now collecting testimonials – and would love to receive one from you! Learn more here.
Level 1 – AM
Elizabeth G 2
Level 2 – AM
Mikey 12:50 95lb, B
Charlie 12:04 45lb, Row, S
Beast 13:52 45lb, S
Jackie 12:05 45lb, S
Anthony 15:29 65lb, B, S
MGJenny 14:41 15lb, S
Kavi 12:00 75lb
Reis 10:40 75lb
Brandon 13:33 45lb, S
Sameer 12:56 45lb, S
Becky 12:48 15lb, S
Janice 12:30 35lb
Ballet 10:09 65lb, S
Kirk 11:09 65lb
Wood 11:03 75lb, S
Michael 11:28 MOD
Dain 10:28 75lb, S
Jenna 9:17 MOD
Ray 11:18 65lb
MegO 15:36 25lb, S
Level 2 – 12P
Patty Ice 11:34 35lb, S
Leah 13:43 15lb, S
JJ 15:52 35lb, S
Amy 13:58 15lb, S
Chapel 16:44 35lb, S
Elena 10:25 15lb, S
Nick I
Crash MOD
Thurst 13:37 25lb, S
Dayna 9:26 45lb
G 11:31 35lb
Level 1 – PM
Sammy 4
K-Dog 6
Laila 6
Brandon 6
Mrs. Fro 3
Nic 7
Mel 5
Anna 4
Roni 3
Robby 5
Raquel 4
Adrian 4
Cooey 3
Peter 5
Kyle 6
Level 2 – PM
Gilbert 9:55 95lb, S
Ashlee 12:29 35lb, S
Jesse 13:40 65lb, MOD
Jonathan 15:17 45lb, S, MOD
Randy 14:02 75lb, S, MOD
Colleen 11:33 45lb, S
LG 16:53 35lb, S
Greg DNF
MLS 11:19 35lb, S
Fro 13:30 69lb, S
Gary 14:37 45lb, S
Big Shug 14:12 25lb, S
Andy 12:14 65lb, S
Ivan 14:04 95lb, S
Jeff 12:51 65lb, S
Marco 14:38 75lb, S
Sleeves 10:22 95lb
Geno 12:49 75lb
AG 12:46 75lb
Jordan 12:50 35lb, MOD
David 11:06 75lb, MOD
Sanchez 10:37 65lb, S
Zoom 12:32 45lb
KT 16:14 35lb, S