WOD 11/7

Level Two
A. Single leg Wall Ball x5/leg x4 rest :30
B. Hip+Full Clean x3+2 x4 rest :30
C. Double Unders x10-15 x4 rest :60

5 Rounds:
2:00 AMRAP:
5 Cleans
5 Kip Pull up
5 Wall Ball
1:00 Active Rest (Double Unders)
1:00 Full Rest
*Total reps recorded

Level One (Day 7)
Hip Clean
Push Press

1 Mile Run Time Trial (15:00 Cap)

– We’re updating our records and would love to include a picture of your smiling face! Come by Caitlyn’s desk or email a picture to her (caitlyn@crossfitaustin.com)
– – We hope you’ve marked your calendars for this week’s Ladies’ Night (11/8) and Men’s Night (11/10) – both events are sure to be a lot of fun!
– – – Running classes start up tomorrow (11/8) with Coach Aaron! To find more information and sign up for these classes, click here.

MGJenny has been throwing the weights around a lot lately!

Level 1 – AM
Charlie 6:34
Haley 8:29 (Row)
Lawrence 8:35
Canada 8:20
Becky 9:13
Laura 17:03
Level 2 – AM
Cynthia 82
Beast 73
Courtney 82
Mikey 91
Mike 76
Kristin 100
Kevin 70
Liz 80
Michele 105
Cindy 100
Kavi 96
9AM 121
Valyn 101
Ballet 133
MGJenny 76
Ray 112
Eric 98
Rob 84
Bryan 96
Level 2 – 12P
Shane 125
Tristy 151
Cat 134
Turk 158
Blake 115
Davis 155
Jables 150
Heather 87
Thurst 123
G 130
Lance 129
Level 2 – PM
Marco 83
Macaroni 117
Danny 110
Coy 84
Betsy 145
Emily S
Aaron 111
Sanchez 123
Big Shug 103
Jerry 147
Christy 137
Sleeves 141
ross 143
Young 126
KT 103
Geno 109
Zoom 127
Megan 150
Jeff 147
Amy 136
Jewels 141
Carissa 115
Can2 110
Ty 132
Level 1 – PM
Martin 5:45
Jordan 6:24
Jorge 6:35
Josh 5:42
Christina 8:42
Jonathan 9:14
Leah 10:17
Mel 9:35
Pinkie 8:03
Megan 9:07
Ana 7:59
Cory 8:25
Lola 8:39
Bryan 7:00
Hollister 6:56
Cat 12:09
Melissa 10:25
Tiffany 7:23
Jerry 8:05