WOD 1/17

Level Two
A. Power Clean x2x10 @ 70-75% Rest :45
B. Front Squats work to a heavy Single in 15:00
C. Front Squat x3 @ 85% of Today EMOM for 3:00
D1. RDL x10x3 Rest :45
D2. Walking Lunges x10/leg x3 Rest :45

Ab Circuit: Coach’s Choice

Level One
Headstand to Handstand Holds
Wall Walk
Kick up

15:00 AMRAP
200m Run
10 Ring Rows
10 Push Ups
200M Skips

Tip 511: Take A Multivitamin For Improved Sleep & More Energy: Feel More Motivated To Train
*Post thoughts to comments

“Every thought you produce, anything you say, any action you do, it bears your signature.” – Thich Nhat Hanh


We hope to see everyone out at the Fittest Games this weekend to cheer on our AWESOME competitors! Good luck to everyone who is competing...Judy, Jeff, Miguel, Shane, Gilbert, Janss, Stacey, Toonie, Gold, Leigh, Dayna, Mikey, Doug, Kristen, Erin and Blake!!!