WOD 1/17
Level Two
A. Power Clean x2x10 @ 70-75% Rest :45
B. Front Squats work to a heavy Single in 15:00
C. Front Squat x3 @ 85% of Today EMOM for 3:00
D1. RDL x10x3 Rest :45
D2. Walking Lunges x10/leg x3 Rest :45
Ab Circuit: Coach’s Choice
Level One
Headstand to Handstand Holds
Wall Walk
Kick up
15:00 AMRAP
200m Run
10 Ring Rows
10 Push Ups
200M Skips
Tip 511: Take A Multivitamin For Improved Sleep & More Energy: Feel More Motivated To Train
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“Every thought you produce, anything you say, any action you do, it bears your signature.” – Thich Nhat Hanh