WOD 1/19

Buy In/Cash Out
3 sets of Max Hollow Holds followed by :30 of Handstand Hold

Aerobic Power Practice

Row Practice
4 Sets
:30 Row (slow perfect strokes, focusing on posture and mechanics, not intensity)
200 M Row @ 90% (intense but not to failure)

Run Practice
:30 @ 50% (easy pace)
:30 @ 90% (Hard but not an all out sprint)
*Focus on keeping your foot under your hip, staying on the balls of your feet and being light

Plyometric Practice
:15 Unbroken Box Jumps (Step Down)
:15 Unbroken Box Jumps (Jump Down)
:30 Rest

Midline Work
5 Sets
10 Abmat Sit-ups
:30 Side Plank Hold/side
:30 Rest
*Post notes to comments


2 Rounds
400 M Run
30 Wall Balls
30 Box Jumps
*12 Minute Cap, scale wall ball and box jump volume if needed
*Time recorded


Aerobic Output Test
12:00 Row for Max Meters
*Meters recorded

A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside. -Denis Waitley

How not to set goals
*Post thoughts to comments

-The Circle of Awesomeness Challenge page is regularly being updated!  Take a look
Austin Gorilla Run January 22nd!

AM Results
Page 11:24 (10lbs)
Mike 11:24 Rx
Chaz 3110 M
Tannifer 2250 M
Tall “D” 10:42 (10lbs, 20 Reps)
C.C. 8:26 (6lbs, 8ft, 12″, 15 Reps)
Teeny 8:52 (6lbs, 8ft, 12″, 15 Reps)
Jerry 11:33 (10lbs)
Tow Matt 11:50 Rx
Nick 9:41 Rx
Kirk 2765 M
Ray 10:30 (15lbs)
Bill 11:36 (Row, 10lbs, 12″Step up)
Alan 9:49 (10lbs, 20″, 20 Reps)
Chappy 10:53 (10lbs,20″)
Juan Carlos 2797 M
J.J. 2640 M
Senator 12:00 DNF
Jillian 9:25 (10lbs, 8ft, Step up, 15 Reps)
Heather 2276 M
Zoom 11:43 (10lbs, 20 Reps)
Rob 10:42 Rx
PM Results
Patrick 2690 M
Colleen 11:30 Rx
Steve 12:00
G. 2389 M
Chris 3015 M
David 2891 M
Stacey 2690 M
Cody 3118 M
Christy 2303 M
Sleeves 7:40 Rx
Jeanette 12:00 (DNF -4)
Ryan 12:00 (DNF -22)
Mike 10:18 Rx
Elena 11:18 (Step-ups)
LG 12:00 (MOD)
Prince 12:00 (20″)
Darlene 2757
Alex 3125
Jen 2660
Schittone 11:36 (10lb)
Elizabeth 11:59 (6lb)
Megan 12:00 (MOD)
Crash 12:00 (MOD)
Lana 12:00 (MOD)
Kavi 2820
Fro 2962
Aubrey 2696
On Ramp
Dain 4 2/3
CodiKai 3
Emily 4 2/3
Charlie 2 2/3