WOD 1/19

Level Two
Strength Session
A. Front Squats x2-3×5 RPE 8-9 Rest 3:00
B1. RDLs x4-6/Leg x3 @ 3111 Rest :45
B2. L-Sit x:30-:45 x3 Rest :30
B3. KB Cross Chops x15-20/side x3 Rest :30

Level One (Day 3)
Frank Squats
Waiters’ Bends
Back Squats

A1. Back Squats x5x3 32X1 Rest :30
A2. Seated DB Ext. Rotation x10-12×3 Rest :60
B1. DB Press x6-8×3 Rest 1:00
B2. RDLs x4-6x 3 @ 4111 Rest 1:00
C. Ab exercise of choice x30 reps

Tough times do not last.  Tough people do. – Robert H. Schuller

Dopamine: Why “Just One Bite” Doesn’t Work
*Post thoughts to comments


  • Start the new year off right with Chad Vaughn’s Olympic Lifting Classes! Sign up here!
  • The Circle of Awesomeness Challenge is coming! Sign up here!
  • We want to hear your CFA story! We are now collecting testimonials – and would love to receive one from you! Learn more here.
  • We’ll be out supporting all of our competitors at The Fittest Games this weekend in our hot pink shirts. Learn more here.
  • The men of CFA will be getting together this Sunday afternoon at Red’s Porch. Learn more here.

Level 1 – Am
Marley S
Mrs. Fro S
Celi S
Paul S
Gabriel S
Level 2 – AM
Jamison S
Janice S
Ivan S
Big Shug S
Charlie S
Bubbles S
Albert S
Brandon S
Beast S
Becky S
Jackie S
MegO S
Flash S
Caitlyn S
Kirk S
Schittone S
Mike S
Fro S
Bryan S
Can2 S
Valyn S
Sarah S
Cindy S
MGJenny S
Erica S
Irl S
Ray S
Pattie (Fri) 4
Ladies’ – AM
LV (Wed) 19:32, 25lb
Mer (Wed) 22:30, 25lb
Coy S
Jenny S
Level 1 – 12P
Brittani S
Kiehl S
Level 1 – PM
Liz G S
Raquel S
Faraon S
Charlie G S
Ruffino S
Edward S
Brandon S
Lola S
Jackson S
Sam S
Level 2 – PM
Gomez S
Randy S
Tristy S
Mikey Wed, 16:08 Rx
Cat Mon, 13:36 MOD
Pinky S
Lane Wed, 15:35, Rx
Danimal S
Gilbert S
Chris S
Corey S
Marissa Wed, 18:08 Rx
Colleen S
Eric S
Ryan S
Turk S
Jables S
Anthony S
Andy S
Leah S
Paddy Ice S
Martin S
Helen S