WOD 1/20

Buy In/Cash Out
3 sets of Max Hollow Holds followed by :30 of Handstand Hold

5 Sets
3 Front Squats
3 Clean Pull-unders
3 Hip Cleans
3:00 Rest
*Try to increase the weight incrementally in each set, work in groups of two


3 Sets
10 Unbroken Thrusters
:60 Rest
10 Unbroken Kipping Pull-ups
:60 Rest
*Try to increase the weight each set, scale pull-ups to secure unbroken

My actions are my only true belongings. I cannot escape the consequences of my actions. My actions are the ground upon which I stand. -Thich Nhat Hanh

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*Post thoughts to comments

-The Circle of Awesomeness Challenge page is regularly being updated!  Take a look
Austin Gorilla Run January 22nd!

AM Results
Gena 7:50, 75#
Chaz 7:30, 85#, CTB
Mel 2551 M
Jerry 2860 M
Blake 7:49, 135 lb, CTB
Allie 7:52, 40 lb, J
Kristin 2414 M
PM Results
Cat 6:22 (55lbs, 7 PU)
Betsy 6:34 (85lbs, 8 PU)
Aaron 6:56 (85lbs, 5 PU)
David 6:55 (95lbs, Band)
Liz 2711 M
Cody 70lbs (Thruster Make-up)
Fro 7:13 (95lbs)
Christy 7:08 (40lbs)
Ryan 7:02 (65lbs, 8 PU)
Sherman 7:03 (75lbs, 7 PU)
Winner 7:10 (45lbs, 6 PU)
Sleeves 3068 M
LG 7:15 (35lbs, 5 PU Band)
Debbie 2165 M
Cara 7:11 (25lbs, 8 PU Band)
Kavi 7:58 (75lbs, 8 PU Band)
Ivan 7:02 (85lbs)
Jenn 7:07 (45lbs)
On Ramp
Emily 4:29
Dain 4:01
Charlie 5:58
Mike 6:46
Veronica 6:51
Danielle 5:20
Aaron 4:20