WOD 12/10

Front Squats


3 Rounds
7 Hang Power Snatch+3 Overhead Squats (75 lb, 55 lb)
15 Ring Dips
400 M Run

To chalk or not to chalk, is this the question?

– Don’t miss CFA’s 1 year anniversary party, Saturday 12/12 @ Lustre Pearl Bar
New On-Ramp starts next monday, perfect time to give the gift of CrossFit!


AM Results
3R MetCon
Andrew 145 11:53 (65 lb, RPU)
Jerry 170 9:53 (65 lb, RPU)
Matt 85 12:14 (45 lb, RPU)
Rob 205 9:25 Rx
Kristin 55 (25 lb, RPU)
PM Results
Julie Skill 11:10 (35 lb, KRPU)
Kiehler 125 12:41 (75 lb, RPU)
Flury Skill 14:08 (MOD)
Betsy 115 10:19 (45 lb, KRPU)
OJOE Skill 12:31 (65 lb, KRPU)
Smeth 175 10:19 Rx
On Ramp
Michelle 7:12
Marissa 5:48