WOD 12/18

A. 10:00 E202
5 sets
3 ‘ring outs’ w/ :03 Pause
*(think of an ‘ab wheel’ on the rings).

B. 5 Rounds
4 ‘heavy’ jerks @155lb /  95lb* / 65lb
8 goblet squat @ 32k/24K/ 16K
12 ‘heavy’ Russian KBS @ 32k/24K/ 16K
200m Run
1:00 Rest
*20 minute time cap.
*Time recorded

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
Tabata row for total max calories

Scaling Guide:
– Goal  11 – 17 min, about 3:30 per round including rest
– Scale Up: 185/115lb jerks, and 20 reps Russian kb swings per round.

What an amazing weekend! Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate with us and thank you to ALL of CFA for making this community so amazing!
