WOD 12/2
A. 20:00
Kip Pull-up
Progressions/Work/ Practice
B. 20:00 AMRAP
15 Power Snatch @ 75 / 55
25 Ball Slams 10 lb
35 Double Unders
*Reps Recorded
“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” -Lyndon B. Johnson
A. 20:00
Kip Pull-up
Progressions/Work/ Practice
B. 20:00 AMRAP
15 Power Snatch @ 75 / 55
25 Ball Slams 10 lb
35 Double Unders
*Reps Recorded
“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” -Lyndon B. Johnson