WOD 12/2

All Levels
Skill WOD
A. Row for 7:00: @ 50-60%
*At the top of each minute, increase effort to 100% for 10 seconds
*Focus on maintaining perfect strokes throughout
Rest 3:00
*Complete a total of 30 glute bridges

B. On the minute for 7:00: 1-3 Push-ups or HSPU
Rest 3:00
*20 Frankenstein Squats w/ Bar only (Not for time, break up as you see fit)

C. For 7:00: Jump Rope :30 on/:30 off (Advanced scale up to DUs)
Rest 3:00
*20 Clean Pull-unders + 20 Hip Cleans w/bar only (Not for time, break up as you see fit)

Give to every human being every right that you claim for yourself. -Robert Green Ingersoll

Nuts and Omega-6s
*Post thoughts to comments

-Coach Chad is back starting this Thursday! His classes will be offered at 2:00pm, 5:30pm and 6:30pm. The sign up process has changed: his classes are now listed here under “Specialty Classes”. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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