WOD 12/20

Buy in Cash out
Powell Raises 2×8
Muscle Snatches 2×8

Take 15 Minutes to build to a heavy single in the Snatch
*Weight Recorded


7 Rounds
1 Snatch
3 Overhead Squats
6 Back Squats
rest :30
Workout weight= 90% of skill session weight
*Total time recorded

Sports do not build character, they reveal it. -John Wooden

Alcohol and the holidays

CrossFit Austin Holiday Schedule:

Monday (12/20) Normal Hours 
Tuesday (12/21) Normal Hours
Wednesday (12/22) Normal Hours
Thursday (12/23) 6:30am, 5:30pm, 6:30pm
Friday (12/24) 6:30am, 12:00pm
Saturday (12/25) 10:00am
Friday (12/31) Normal Hours
Saturday (1/1) 10:00am

Austin Gorilla Run January 22nd sign up here or grab a registration form at the gym!

Congrats to JJ, and Darlene our inaugural Push-up Man and Push-up Woman of Year!

AM Results
Page 8:03 (75lbs)
Alan 9:29 (35lbs)
Andrew 9:38 (55lbs)
Tannifer 9:47 (15lbs)
Melicious 7:23 (45lbs)
Tow Matt 7:24 (85lbs)
Chaz 7:17 (95lbs)
Nick 8:53 (135lbs)
Elliot 7:50 (55lbs)
Gena 8:10 (60lbs)
Tall D. 8:00 (50lbs)
L.G. 8:08 (55lbs)
Ray 6:41 (95lbs)
Bill 6:33 (45lbs)
David 8:22 (95 lbs)
Stacey 8:18 (93 lbs)
Betsy 7:52 (63 lbs)
Ryan 9:25 (75 lbs)
G. 8:08 (65 lbs)
Heather 8:02 (35 lbs)
PM Results
Cat 6:59 (63lb)
Blake 8:44 (120lb)
Patrick 8:52 (125lb)
Chappy 10:09 (55lb)
Meli 8:35 (40lb)
Jeanette 9:12 (15lb)
Winner 8:37 (85lb)
Kaz 8:59 (85lb)
Cody 7:59 (95lb)
Carissa 5:41 (57lb)
Kristy 7:40 (40lb)
Skipper 7:33 (75lb)
Jen 7:44 (45lb)
Lana 9:27 (35lb)
Teeny 9:27 (35lb)
Darlene 7:37 (55lb)
Prince 6:33 (75lb)
Heiny 9:21 (65lb)
Kavi 7:33 (75lbs)
Crash 10:15 (35lbs)