WOD 12/21

“It’s the End of the World!” WOD
1200M Row

10:00 AMRAP
12 Unbroken Pull ups
21 Squats
12 Push ups

1200M Run
*Record Time

The Paleo Road Trip: Across the Country Caveman Style
*Post thoughts to comments

“For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

AM – All
Big Spoon 20:32 Rx
Guthrie 21:10 Rx
Suzi 23:01 (J)
Valyn 24:05 (J)
Tow Matt 21:13 (RR)
Ryan 21:27 Rx
Brad 19:18 Rx
King 21:08 (J)
Dayna 21:49 4
Linzi 21:59 4
Sanchez 22:01 4
12P – All
Cat 25:16
MegO 23:37
Avtar 21:56
Her 24:12
Walker 23:28 5
Crash 22:59
49er 22:26
Snick 24:43
Greg V 20:57
E-Rod 24:59
Cameron 21:54