WOD 12/22

Front Squat


5 Rounds
25 Double Unders
5 Knees to Elbows

There is plenty of room at the top because very few people care to travel beyond the average route. And so most of us seem satisfied to remain within the confines of mediocrity. -Nnamdi Azikiwe

Excess Estrogen and Weight Gain

– The 2010 CrossFit Games Sectional and Regional Competitions have been announced! Sign up starts tomorrow, sign up before its to late!

Holiday Schedule:

12/22: Normal Hours
12/23: Normal Morning Hours and 5:30 PM
12/24: 8 AM
12/25: Closed Merry Christmas!
12/26: Closed
12/28: Normal hours
12/29: Normal hours
12/30: Normal hours
12/31: Morning classes only
1/1: Closed
1/2: Normal hours


AM Results
3R MetCon
Mike 155 6:39 (HH/S)
Kirk 160 6:16 (HH/S)
Walker 105 6:09 (HH/S)
Heather 45 6:03 (HH/S, Knee Raise)
Kevin 115 6:49 (HH/S)
Blake Skill 6:21 (HH/S)
Michael 170 4:35 Rx
Daniel 205 5:20 (HH/S)
Jess Skill 6:09 (HH/S)
Aurelia 60 ?
Smeth 195 ?
OJOE 145 ?
On Ramp
Cynthia 7:31
Cat 8:14