WOD 12/22

Buy In/Cash Out
Powell Raises 2×8
Muscle Snatches 2×8

7 Rounds
:30 Russian KB Swings
:30 Rest
:30 Burpees
:30 Rest
:30 Box Jumps (Step Down)
:30 Rest
*Total Reps Recorded

The successful man will profit from his mistakes and try again in a different way. -Dale Carnegie

Gift Ideas for the Grok in your family

CrossFit Austin Holiday Schedule:

Wednesday (12/22) Normal Hours
Thursday (12/23) 6:30am, 5:30pm, 6:30pm
Friday (12/24) 6:30am, 12:00pm
Saturday (12/25) 10:00am
Friday (12/31) Normal Hours
Saturday (1/1) 10:00am

Austin Gorilla Run January 22nd! Grab a registration form at the gym for a 10% discount!

Jenn winner of 2010 Earmuffs award, striking a pose in the nations capital!

AM Results
Alan 194 (16K, 20″)
Tall D 188 (16K)
Tannifer 227 (12K)
Page 273 (20″)
Andrew 199 (16K, 20″))
Chaz 245 Rx
David 228 Rx
Gena 311 Rx
Tow Matt 245 Rx
Kirk 262 Rx
Bill 246 (16K, 12″)
Ray 275 Rx
Turk ? (MOD)
Melicious 277 Rx
Stacey 319 (+20K, 24″)
Betsy 286 Rx
“G” 253 Rx
Zayra 258 Rx
Ivan 262 Rx
Kaz 249 (12K)
Lyzz 268 Rx
PM Results
Blake 288 Rx
Cat 274 Rx
Patrick 268 Rx
Kavi 246 (16k)
Heather 243 (12k)
Kristin 277 (Sprawl)
Colleen L. 281 (12k, Sprawl)
Jeanette 296 (12″)
Zoom 283 Rx
Cara 253 (10lb)
Crash 237 (12k, 12″)
Boone 316 Rx
Winner 279 Rx
Colleen F. MOD
Darlene 298 (Step-ups)
Lana 218 (12k)
Teeny 229 (12k)
Schittone 228 (20k)
Megan 255 Rx
Aubrey 271 Rx