WOD 12/3

Buy In/Cash Out
2×20 One Legged Hip Extentions
2×20 Jackhammers

Deadlift/Clean Skill Work

7 Rounds
3 Deadlifts
3 Power Cleans
3 Hip Cleans to Overhead
100M Run
:90 Rest
(Weight Chart)

Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events, not of words. Trust movement. -Alfred Adler

Benefits of lifting weights for the kiddos

-CFA Anniversary/Christmas Bonanza December 16th, 7 PM!!!
RSVP now so we can get a good head count for BBQ!  If you have signed up or are signing up for the party and are planning to bring a guest that is not signed up, please email tristystep@gmail.com and let us know!  We will need to have an accurate count by December 10th, so please email before that date.
-Hello CFA Ladies!!  It is that time again…time for Ladies’ night!  Since last time was such as smashing success, we have decided to have a repeat performance!  We will meet at
Milanos Cafe at 7:30pm on December 6th.  See you all there

AM Results
Mel 19:24 (70lbs)
CC 19:30 (45lbs)
Eddie 18:35 (85lbs)
Nick 21:31 (155lbs)
Blake 19:35 (165lbs)
Turk 18:38 (115lbs)
Colleen 16:22 (45lbs)
Bill 16:45 (55lbs)
Ray 16:43 (95lbs)
Stephanie 16:38 (50lbs)
Zayra 21:17 (45lbs)
Ivan 20:06 (95lbs)
Chris 22:30 (115 lb)