WOD 12/3

Level Two
A. In 15:00 mins, find 1RM Power Snatch +1 OHS
B. Max UB Wall Ball
C1. Grip Plate Exchanges (35lb, 25lb) x16/Touchesx3 Rest :30
C1. BB Hip Bridges x10x3 Rest :30
*Record A and B

Level One (TEST DAY)

A1. Press x8x3 (Work up in Weight) Rest :30
A2. Ring Rows x8x3 Rest :30
A3. Kneeling Founder x :10/:10 x 3 Rest :60

1 Mile Time Trial
*Time Recorded

Top 9 most important foods to buy organic
*Post thoughts to comments

“In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.” – Tony Robbins

AM – Level 1
Carlo 8:33
Kristi 8:36
Jimmy 12:28
J-Mo 7:43
Abby 7:54
Ashlee 9:28
AM – Level 2 PS + OHS UB Wall Balls
Big Spoon 135lb 44 (20lb)
Mikey 175lb 60 (20lb)
Mike 135lb 50 (20lb)
MegO 70lb 20 (14lb)
Aaron 155lb 72 (20lb)
Schmidty 50lb 33 (10lb)
Ivan 155lb 46 (20lb)
Sparker 50lb 35 (10lb)
Jessie 65lb 31 (10lb)
Ken 95lb 16 (20lb)
Mitch 135lb 30 (20lb)
Kyle 125lb 55 (20lb)
Schittone 130lb 31 (20lb)
Michael 160lb 80 (20lb)
Ballet 125lb 35 (20lb)
Ray 137lb 50 (20lb)
Melissa 57lb 28 (10lb)
12P – Level 2
Laila 85lb 40 (10lb)
Crash 75lb 36 (14lb)
49er 95lb 35 (20lb)
Avtar 90lb 22 (14lb)
Jonathan 135lb 81 (14lb)
Mer 70lb 37 (10lb)
PM – Level 2
Tasha 70lb 24 (14lb)
Smitty 55lb 35 (10lb)
Nic 180lb 71 (20lb)
Blake 160lb 50 (20lb)
Marissa 105lb 62 (14lb)
Dan 125lb 39 (20lb)
Tara 55lb 31 (10lb)
Gil 95lb (MOD) 29 (20lb)
Jennifer S 30lb 12 (6lb)
Wade 160lb 52 (20lb)
Michael 185lb 53 (20lb)
KT 70lb 32 (10lb)
Ryan 135lb 40 (20lb)
Erica 95lb 40 (14lb)
Holly 105lb 17 (14lb)
Sean 155lb 80 (20lb)
AG 185lb 63 (20lb)
Clint 145lb 54 (20lb)
Leah 85lb 27 (14lb)
Shug 75lb 24 (14lb)
Kara 50lb 9 (10lb)
Kline 135lb 10 (20lb)
C2 60lb 20 (10lb)
Denise 45lb 28 (10lb)
Missy 45lb 14 (10lb)
Sanchez 145lb 46 (20lb)
Parnell 175lb 38 (20lb)
Walker 95lb 30 (14lb)
Desiree 85lb 30 (14lb)
Kaz 120lb 38 (20lb)
PM – Level 1
Joe Dan 7:21
Ruffino 10:23
Darrell 6:30
James 7:41
Darryl 9:52
Vanessa 11:42
Steve 11:42
Christian 5:55
Dixie 13:20
Arwa 8:28
Mustansir 9:30
Tristan 11:59
Pinky 8:53
M-N-M 7:48
Garrett 8:03
Andy 9:03