WOD 12/31
Level Two
A. Clean x2x10 @ 65-70% EMOM
B1. Front Squats x2-3×2 @ 85%+, x3x1 @ 90% of clean w/ :03 Pause Rest :60
B2. CTB Pull-ups AMRAP (-2) x3 Rest 2:00
C. AB Circuit
Level One
A1. Press x3x6 (Work up in Weight) Rest 1:00
A2. DB Bent Over Row x3x6 Rest 1:00
What you never learned in health class: The anatomy of a habit
*Post thoughts to comments
“Don’t cheat the world of your contribution. Give it what you’ve got.” – Steven Pressfield
AM – Level 1 | |
Joe | S |
Kayleen | S |
Silas | S |
Sam | S |
AM – Level 2 | |
Big Spoon | S |
Ivan | S |
Jessie | |
Alex | |
Mitch | |
Joe Dan | |
Ballet | |
Michael | |
Bradley | |
Ray | |
Nicole | |
Leah | |
Michele | |
Mikey | |
Marcus | |
Jackie | |
12P – Level 2 | |
Sean | |
Anthony | |
Linzi | |
Kara | |
Gil | |
Sparker | |
Kyle | |
Guthrie | |
Klein | |
Erica | |
49er | |
Snick | |
Anne |