WOD 1/26
Buy In/Cash Out
3×10 Supermans
3×10/arm DB External Rotations
5 Sets
3 Snatch Grip PP + 3 OVHD Squats
:90 Rest
:10 Push-ups/Handstand Push-ups
:90 Rest
*Post weight and push-up numbers to comments
5 Rounds
100M Sprints
20 Double Unders
Jog back to start line
*Time recorded
Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new. -Brian Tracy
21 Suggestions for Success
*Post thoughts to comments
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Chad Vaughn’s Training Invitational on Feb. 12th. For more information, go here!
Anna Rose startin early!
AM Results | |
Page | 4:54 (s) |
Andrew | 6:23 (s) |
Mike | 4:50 (s) |
Megan | 11:02 (s) |
Jerry | 5:50 Rx |
Melicious | 5:36 (s) |
Tow Matt | 6:03 Rx |
C.C. | 5:40 (s) |
Tall “D” | 6:09 (s) |
Rob | 10:28 Rx |
Ray | 7:29 Rx |
Tannifer | 5:47 (s) |
Noon | |
Taylor | 6:14 Rx |
Zoom | 9:34 Rx |
Brian | 7:15 (s) |
Senator | 13:08 (s) |
PM Results | |
Patrick | 7:50 (S) |
G | 8:14 Rx |
Colleen | 8:24 (S) |
David | 8:39 (S) |
Cat | 8:50 (S) |
Kaz | 6:24 (S) |
Jeanette | 6:33 (S) |
Christy | 5:38 (S, AD) |
Boone | 4:45 Rx |
Stacey | 5:26 Rx |
Prince | 9:27 (S) |
Alex | 5:04 (S) |
Skipper | 4:52 (S) |
Elena | 5:58 (S) |
Darlene | 6:07 (AD) |
Mike | 6:32 (S) |
Andee | 7:50 (S) |
Schittone | 6:07 (AD, S) |
JC | 5:58 (S) |
Ivan | 5:58 (S) |
Zayra | 6:55 (S) |
Lana | 6:50 (S) |
Kavi | 6:50 (S) |
On Ramp | |
Dain | 3:57 |
Charlie | 4:33 |
Emily | 4:25 |
CodyKay | 5:10 |