WOD 12/6

Level Two
A. 2-Position Power Clean x1x15 @65% Rest :45
B. Front Squat x4 @80% every :90 for 5:00

3 Rounds for Quality
10 Ring High Fly’s (T’s)
10 Partner Leg Toss
45 sec Finger tip Hang

Level One
Wall Balls

A1. Hip Hinge Y, T, L , W (Plates) x5/ea pos.x4 Rest :30
A2. 3-step Pull ups x5x4 Rest 1:00

Partner Workout
25 Wall Balls (tester)
50-Yard Farmers Walk
1 Gasser (50yrds x4)
15 Wall Balls
50-Yard Farmers’ Walk
1 Gasser
5 Wall Balls
50-Yard Farmers’ Walk
1 Gasser
*Record Total Time and if 1st wall-ball set is UB

4 Push-up variations you haven’t tried
*Post thoughts to comments

“One must develop an instinct for what one can just barely achieve through one’s greatest effort.” – Albert Einstein

AM – Level 1
Carlo 7:24
Jimmy 9:11
AM – Level 2
Duran S
Ivan S
Guthrie S
Rocky S
Alex S
Janice S
Valyn S
MegO S
Leah S
Big Spoon S
George S
Ken S
Jessie S
Ryan V S
Kyle S
The King S
Michele S
Gary S
Ray S
AM – Ladies’
Irl S
Jenny S
Mer S
Linzi S
12P – Level 1
Ken N 5:41
Jonathon 8:47
Kayleen 8:18
LT 8:12
Dixie 9:49
PM – Level 2
Jonathan S
David S S
Danimal S
Sanchez S
Robert S
Avtar S