WOD 1/27
Buy In/Cash Out
3×10 Supermans
3×10/arm DB External Rotations
Aerobic Output Test
“Fight Gone Bad”
3 Rounds
1:00 Wall Balls (20lbs, 15lbs, 10ft. target)
1:00 Sumo Deadlift High-pull (55lbs, 75lbs)
1:00 Box Jumps (20″)
1:00 Push Press (75lbs, 55lbs)
1:00 Row
1:00 Rest
In this workout, you move from each of the 5 stations after a minute. This is a 5 minute round from which a 1 minute break is allowed before repeating. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of “rotate,” the athlete must move to the next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is 1 point.
An idea is salvation by imagination. -Frank Lloyd Wright
Ignore what you feel. Think about what you can do
*Post what you focus on, when things get tough
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Chad Vaughn’s Training Invitational on Feb. 12th. For more information, go here!
AM Results | |
Carissa | 204 Rx |
Jerry | 276 Rx |
Fro | 260 Rx |
Sleeves | 332 Rx |
Nick | 335 Rx |
Melicious | 215 Rx |
Geno | 264 Rx |
Tall D | 196 Rx |
Tow Matt | 241 Rx |
Sam | 167 S1 |
Blake | 285 Rx |
Kirk | 245 Rx |
PM Results | |
GEna | 229 Rx |
Tasha | 200 Rx |
Darlene | 196 Rx |
Patrick | 269 Rx |
Crash | 204 S1 |
Winner | 173 Rx |
Jables | 241 Rx |
J.J. | 170 Rx |
Liz | 196 Rx |
Jeanette | 220 S1 |
David | 230 Rx |
Betsy | 247 Rx |
Kristin | 189 Rx |
Cody | 296 Rx |
Nugget | 373 Rx |
Kavi | 217 Rx |
Heather | 192 S1 |
Jenn | 178 Rx |
Michael | 185 Rx |
Debbie | 123 Rx |
Skipper | 212 Rx |
Elizabeth | 217 S1 |
Alex | 242 Rx |