WOD 1/27

All Levels

10 Minutes, On-the-Minute:
1-3 Ring Dips
3 American KB Swings
*Post or record total reps

Half Cindy (10 Minute AMRAP)
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
*Total Rounds recorded

The truth is the only thing worth having, and, in a civilized life, like ours, where so many risks are removed, facing it is almost the only courageous thing left to do. – E.V. Lucas

*Post thoughts to comments


  • The Circle of Awesomeness Challenge starts this Saturday (as in TOMORROW)! Today is the last day to get in on the action, so sign up here!
  • Mel “Melicious” Joulwan will have a book signing this Saturday as part of the Circle of Awesomeness Challenge. Learn more here.

All Levels – AM
Brandon 7 Jump, KPU
Schittone 8 Rx
Marissa 6 Rx
Teeny 8 Jump, KPU
Snookie 7 Jump, KPU
Valyn 6 Jump, KPU
Jackie 5 Jump, KPU
Caitlyn 6 Jump, KPU
Irl 6 Jump, KPU
Tow Matt 7 Rx
Reis 8 Mod
Ballet 10 Rx
Audrey 6 Rx
Kristin 7 Rx
Sherman 9 Rx
Can2 7 Rx
Walker 8 Rx
Paddy 8 Rx
Lola 7 Jump, KPU
Chris 7 Rx
Michael 8 Rx
Sanchez 7 Rx
Mer 8 Jump, KPU
Trixie 7 Band, KPU
All Levels – 12P
Blake 10 Rx
Danny 12 Rx
Laila 8 Jump, KPU
Amy 5 Jump, KPU
Chapel 6 Jump, KPU
Ty 6 Band, KPU