WOD 12/9

Handstand Push-ups 5x Max


5 Rounds
20 Squats
20 Sit-ups
20 Ring Rows

There are precious few Einsteins among us.  Most brilliance arises from ordinary people working together in extraordinary ways. -Roger van Oech

Health and Evolutionary Reasoning

– Don’t miss CFA’s 1 year anniversary party, Saturday 12/12 @ Lustre Pearl Bar
New On-Ramp starts next monday, perfect time to give the gift of CrossFit!


AM Results
Kirk 9:38
Andrew 9:40
Shauna 9:25
Ray 10:19
Jerry 9:04
Rob 10:31
Laura 12:41
Bill 16:28
PM Results
Tristy 8:20
Winner 11:39
Courtney 11:28
G. 11:26
Claire 11:16
Heiny 9:39
Kristin 11:11
Blake 8:18
Stacey 9:56
OJOE 12:25
Jess 12:34
Ashley 10:50
Walker 10:03
Smeth 10:32
Zach 13:05
Boone 9:50
John 12:05
On Ramp
Marisa 6:24
Michelle 7:08