WOD 1/29

Make sure to sign up for your classes in MindBody Online

12 Minutes AMRAP
20 Wall Balls (20 lb, 15 lb)
20 Double Unders

Commit to taking total responsibility for everything that happens to you. This one change in thinking has the power to launch you to the world-class level faster than any other single idea. -Steve Siebold

The when and why of static stretching

– Free BBQ and beverages for anyone that would like to help put down the new floor tomorrow!
Bring your old shoes to the gym, by today!
– Get ready to Sweat with your Sweetheart!


AM Results
Kirk 5 (DU/S)
Rob 5 (DU/S)
JJ 5 (15 lb, S)
Cat 5 (10 lb, S)
Michelle 5 (10 lb, S)
John 4 (10 lb)
Ray 4 (15 lb)
Jerry 4 (15 lb)
Sabrina ?
Laura 5 (S)
Blake 4 Rx
Bill 6 (15 lb, S)
Andrew ?
Kristin 4 (15 lb, S)
Anna 5 (10 lb, S)