WOD 1/4

Rep Max Squat


7 Rounds
:30 Double Unders
:30 Swings (24K, 16K)

The highest reward for man’s toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it. -John Ruskin

New Year, New Goals

– Only 5 SPOTS left for On Ramp, starting tonight. Sign up HERE!
– Last chance to sign up for Akins Bootcamp, starts today @ 4:45 PM!

Getting Mean, Lean, and Clean starts today!
– You’ll have this week to record Rep Maxes for the Squat, Deadlift, and Press
– We will have a “Nutrition Phase” Kickoff Meeting Saturday January 9th, @ 11 AM


AM Results
Mike 215 x4 90 Rx
Cat 165 x5 85 (Singles, 12K)
Kirk 155 x10 88 Rx
Bill 85 x10 262 (singles, 12K)
Laura 115 x4 275 (singles, 20K)
Kristin 65 x10 ? (Singles, 12K)
Ariel 115 x4 104 Rx
Lyzz 65 x6 175 (12K)
Jerry 175 x8 127 (30 lb)
Andrew 205 x10 132 Rx
Heather 85 x6 180 (12K)
Kim Skill 320 (Singles, 20 lb)
PM Results
Blake 255 x7 N/A
Rob 215 x12 96 Rx
Kiehler 195 x6 88 (16K)
Tasha 65 x9 328 (Singles, 12K)
Daniel 215 x9 104 Rx
Winner 75 x10 319 (Singles, 12K)
G. 90 x13 290 (Singles, 12K)
Claire 85 x7 317 (Singles, 12K)
Jables 85 x7 134 Rx
Heiny 115 x15 159 (Singles)
Sherman 215 x7 99 Rx
Aaron 75 x4 ? (12K)
Walker 90 x11 108 Rx
Betsy 155 x5 185 Rx
Stacey 165 x9 224 Rx
Tristy 155 x10 107 Rx
Big Matt 215 x9 141 Rx
Darlene Skill 264 (Singles, 12 lb)
Smeth 185 x9 175 Rx
Cynthia Skill 376 (Singles, Rx)
JJ 140 x9 100 (Single, Rx)
Boone 205 x10 173 Rx
Jess 100 x7 132 (12 K)
Aurelia 35 x10 330 (Single, 12K)
On Ramp
Angela 7:13
Kurt 5:56
John 6:42
Ethan 13:12
Alethia 9:22
Sabrina 8:06
Christine 10:09
Akins Outdoors
Linda 5:53
Jenny 6:32
Christina 8:05
Lindsay 8:06
Bonnie 10:34
Kyle DNF