WOD 1/4

All Levels
A1. Hip Power Clean+Front Squat x1+1×10 Rest :30
A2. Rocket Jump x2x10 Rest :30

5 Rounds
5 Russian KB Swings (24K, 16K)
5 Walking Lunges/leg
5 Box Jumps w/ Step Down

3 Rounds of Cool Down
5/Arm Bottoms up KB/DB Press
:30/Side Shin on Wall Stretch
:30 Prone Elbow Stand

How to eat clean
*Post thoughts to comments

“Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.” – Plato

AM – All
Alex 4:59
Big Spoon 3:51 Rx
Mitch 4:46
Guthrie 4:46 Rx
Jackie 5:26
Kristi 4:25 Rx
Carlo 5:22
Jimmy 4:49
Kyle 3:34 Rx+
Janice 3:59
Ryan 3:43 Rx
Melissa 3:56
Blake 3:34 Rx
Silas 5:30
Joe Dan 4:10 Rx
Tow Matt 4:41 Rx+
Ballet 3:36
Michele 5:16
Mikey 3:22 Rx
Marcus 3:46 Rx
Mer 4:43 Rx
Linzi 4:21 Rx
Jenny 4:01 Rx
Suzi 4:34
Jeff 3:33 Rx
12P – All
Sanchez 4:25 Rx
Allison 6:18
Josie 5:38
49er 5:13 Rx
Jonathan 4:21 Rx
Crash 5:34 Rx
Everett 4:22 Rx
Araceli 5:50
Snick 5:24
E-Rod 4:44 Rx
Robert 5:15 Rx
Avtar 5:24
G 5:34 Rx