WOD 1/5

Press Rep Max


4 Rounds
400 M Run
5 Muscle-ups (sub 3 Pull-ups, and 3 Dips per Muscle-up, or Jumping Muscle Ups)
2 Minutes rest between Rounds

For last year’s words belong to last year’s language and next year’s words await another voice. -T.S. Eliot

America To Stupid to Cook?

Get Mean, Lean, and Clean!
– You’ll have this week to record Rep Maxes for the Squat, Deadlift, and Press
– We will have a “Nutrition Phase” Kickoff Meeting Saturday January 9th, @ 11 AM


AM Results
Mike 95×7 2:00 (Jump)
Marissa 35×6 3:32 (MOD)
Ray 80×7 2:24 (Jump)
Jerry 110×9 2:00 (Jump)
Rob 117×5 2:03 (Jump)
Lyzz 55×9 4:08 (MOD)
Kristin 60×11 — (MOD)
Laura 55×15 4:47 (MOD)
Daniel 117×6 1:59 (MOD)
Kim 45X8 4:04 (MOD)
PM Results
Sherman 115×9 4:10 (MOD)
Cat 57×10 4:04 (MOD)
Tasha 37×10 4:00 (MOD)
Betsy 65×9 2:55 (MOD)
Winner 45×6 3:11 (MOD)
Courtney 50×7 3:15 (MOD)
Walker 55×9 3:35 (MOD)
Blake 145×5 2:06 (JUMP)
Kirk 105×8 2:34 (MOD)
Jess 65×11 2:34 (MOD)
Stacey 75×7 2:34 (MOD)
Smeth 90×5 1:44 (Jump)
Cynthia 45×10 3:05 (MOD)
Boone 125×7 1:58 Rx