WOD 1/5
Level Two
Strength/Make Up Day
A1. OVHD Squat or Frank Squat x10-12×3 @ 20X2 Rest :45
A2. Horizontal Ring Rows x10-12×3 @ 30X1 Rest :45
B1. Front Rack Reverse Lunges x6-8/Leg x3 @ 20X1 Rest :45
B2. DB Bench Press x4+4+4 (Right+Left+ Both)x3 Rest :45
C1. DB Ext. Rot. x12-15/arm @3010 x2 Rest :30
C2. Hollow Rocks x8-10×2 Rest :30
C3. KB Cross Chops x15-20/side x2 Rest :30
Level One (Day 9)
A1. Hip Snatch (Power or Full) x2x3
B1. Deadlift x3x3 Rest 1:00
B2. RPU/Dips x2-4×3 Rest 1:00
C1. Step-ups x5x3 Rest :45
C2. Kip Pull-ups x4-6 x3 Rest :45
The years teach much which the days never know. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Top 10 Tips and Tricks to Train, Exercise, and Better Your Brain
*Post thoughts to comments
- Start the new year off right with Chad Vaughn’s Olympic Lifting Classes! Sign up here!
- The Circle of Awesomeness Challenge is coming! Sign up before Friday to get the “Early Bird” discount!
- Did you miss CrossFit Total Day in December? We will have a make up day 01/07 at 11:00am! Click here to sign up
- The women of CFA will have a Ladies’ Night on Wednesday (01/11). Click here for more information!

Level 1 – AM | ||
Kelley | S | |
Brandon | S | |
JBlack | S | |
Gabriel | S | |
Level 2 – AM | ||
Becky | S | |
MLS | S | |
Bubbles | S | |
Albert | S | |
Big Shug | S | |
Flash | S | |
Charlie | S | |
Janice | S | |
Schittone | S | |
Sherman | S | |
Cindy | S | |
Sarah | S | |
9AM | S | |
Ballet | S | |
Can2 | S | |
Colleen | 7:46 Rx | Tuesday |
Caitlyn | 55 @ 193 | Work Capacity |
MG Jenny | 45 @ 182 | Work Capacity |
Reis | 77 @ 198 | Work Capacity |
Valyn | 53 @ 185 | Work Capacity |
Kavi | 71 @ 193 | Work Capacity |
Paddy | 63 @ 181 | Work Capacity |
Ladies’ Class | ||
Trixsi | 22:31 (J, 20lb) | Wednesday |
LV | 25:07 (J, 20lb) | Wednesday |
Emliy | 31:56 (J, 20lb) | Wednesday |
Mer | 27:26 (J, 20lb) | Wednesday |
Josie | S | |
MegO | S | |
Level 1 – 12PM | ||
Monk | S | |
Jeremy | S | |
Robby | S | |
Cody | S | |
Lulu Crew | S | |
Level 2 – PM | ||
Liz | 47 @ 171 | Work Capacity |
Cynthia | 48 @ 177 | Work Capacity |
Cat | 17:48 | Friday |
Jables | 17:48 | Friday |
Cyn | 19:26 (J, 15lb) | Wednesday |
Crash | S | |
Dayna | S | |
Danimal | S | |
Level 1 – PM | ||
Lola | S | |
Jackson | S | |
Helen | S | |
Brittani | S | |
Elizabeth | S | |