WOD 1/6

Deadlift Rep Max


On the Minute
2 DB Hang Cleans to Thruster (55 lb, 35 lb)
Max Burpees
Goal is to reach 100 Burpees

What it lies in our power to do, it lies in our power not to do. -Aristotle

Sticking to New Years Resolutions

Get Mean, Lean, and Clean!
– You’ll have this week to record Rep Maxes for the Squat, Deadlift, and Press
– We will have a “Nutrition Phase” Kickoff Meeting Saturday January 9th, @ 11 AM


AM Results
Marissa 75×6 96 (10 lb)
Kevin 125×9 14:47 (20 lb)
Rob 300×3 11:32 (55 lb)
Ray 155×4 10:35 (20 lb)
Tow Matt 155×6 13:34 (20 lb)
Bill 135×10 52 (MOD)
Jorden 115×4 10:58 (15 lb)
PM Results
Cat 115×15 75 (10lb)
Jables 120×12 13:34 (15lb)
Walker 135×8 9:35 (15lb)
Flury 155×5 86 (15lb)
Ariel Skill 10:53 (10lb)
Blake TBD 10:00 Rx
Betsy 175×6 8:41 (20lb)
Claire 105×3 9:35 (10lb)
G 120×5 10:00 (15lb)
Stacey 175×8 7:02 (30lb)
Jess 155×6 10:57 (20lb)
Andrew 225×20 36 (50lb)
JJ 240×7 11:58 (20lb)
Aurelia 115×8 11:59 (15lb)
Aubrey 155×8 14:43 (15lb)
Smeth 280×6 9:47 (30lb)
Stephen 290×7 8:00 (20lb, Sprawl)
Cynthia 115×7 14:39 (10lb, Sprawl)
Heiny 210×8 12:54 (20lb)
Tristy 175×9 9:56 (20lb)
Anna 95×6 14:01 (20lb)
Darlene 85×9 9:02 (10lb, MOD)
On Ramp
Angela 5:05
Sabrina 5:05
Christine 4:05
Alethia 4:05
Kurt 7:10
John 7:10
Ethan 6:42
Linda 10:22
Christina 15:52
Lindsay 15:16
Bonnie 15:16
Kyle 16:06
Jamie 10:22