WOD 1/6

Buy In/Cash Out
3 sets of the snatch warm-up

Make-up/Skill Day
50 B’s
Row, Row, Row your boat
Practice Makes Perfect

Squat Program
A. Dumbell Split Squats 3×10/Leg @ 3030 (Back foot not raised)
B. Frankenstein Squat 3×5 23X0
C. Narrow Grip Overhead Squats 3×5 @ 32X2 or Snatch Grip Push Press to Overhead Squat  3×5+5 (Squat @ 32X0)

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. -Herm Albright

How to be Positive in less than 300 words
How do you keep it positive CrossFitting, working, Paleoing, etc.?

-New weightlifting classes w/ Chad start today
Sign up here!
-CFA ladies’ Night is moving to Tuesdays.  Our first ladies night for 2011 will be at Tristy’s house at 7:30pm on January 11th.  We hope to see everyone there!!  811 West Slaughter Lane Apt. 4006, Austin TX 78748.
CrossFit Total Day, January 8th sign up here!
Austin Gorilla Run January 22nd!

AM Results
1/3 1/4 1/5 Squats
Jerry 28:10 Rx
Brett 28:11 Rx
PM Results
Winner 10:56 (55lbs)
Sherman 10:54 (65lbs)
Cat 11:15 (65lbs)
Kristin Squats
Betsy 31:50 (KPU)
Crash 34:23 (KPU, Jump)
Patrick Squats
Christy 9:32 (50lbs)
Anthony 12:10 (45lbs)
Julie 36:59 (KPU, Jump)
Debbie 2:45 (20 rnds)
Jenn Squats
Alex 10:07 (105lbs)
L.G. 13:51 (45lbs)
Kavi 1:53 (20 rnds)
On Ramp
Senator 5:52
Lucy 5:17
Elizabeth 4:41
Sam 6:43
Megan 6:47
Andee 5:29
Andrea 6:49
Elena 4:33
Jeff 4:32