WOD 1/7

Buy In/Cash Out
3 Sets of the snatch warm-up

7 Rounds
5 Box Jumps for Max Height
5:00 Rest
*Practice L-Sits, Chin-up Holds, and Behind the neck Jerks during rest

I can live for two months on a good compliment. -Mark Twain

Sleep Vikings

CrossFit Total Day, January 8th sign up here!
**Make sure and get to the gym early to warm-up, we will use the entire 60 Minutes to test your lifts
-CFA ladies’ Night is moving to Tuesdays.  Our first ladies night for 2011 will be at Tristy’s house at 7:30pm on January 11th.  We hope to see everyone there!!  811 West Slaughter Lane Apt. 4006, Austin TX 78748.
-Austin Gorilla Run
January 22nd!


Free Workout on Satuday the 15th!

AM Results
Tow Matt 31.5
Colleen 22.5
Page 43 x3
C.C. 23
Tall D 43
Bill 20
Ray 41
Sleeves 50.25
Chris 47 x1
Juan Carlos 43