WOD 1/9

20 Minute AMRAP
7 Handstand Push Ups
10 DL (70% of 1 RM)
200 M Run

Score=Team total of DL weight and Handstand Push-ups reps

Out of every fruition of success, no matter what, comes forth something to make a new effort necessary.
-Walt Whitman

– Meeting for Sectional athletes @ 9:30 AM
Get Mean, Lean, and Clean!
-“Nutrition Phase” Kickoff Meeting Today @ 11 AM


Walker & Claire 9 (85 lb, Pike)
Blake, Rob, & Boone 7 (215 lb, Pike)
Luscious Lady Lifter 7 (115 lb, Pike)
Dave & Daniel 7 (155 lb, Pikes)
Justin & Joey 11 (Bodyweight)
Ryan, Aaron, & Tow Matt 7 (135 lb, Pike)