WOD 2/1

Mobility of the Day

Level Two
A1. American KB Swings x12-15×3 Rest :30
A2. Kip Pull-ups x5-10×3 Rest :60
*Post notes to comments


DB Single Arm Snatches Total (35 lb, 20 lb)
Push ups
400m Run
*Total time Recorded

Level One (Day 8 )
Kipping Pull-Ups

5 Minute AMRAP
5 Jumping Pull-ups
5 DB Thrusters
5 Burpees
*Total completed rounds recorded

Go with the best you’ve got. –Al Lopez

5 Stages of Food Grief
*Post thoughts to comments


  • Don’t forget! Sign-up for the CrossFit Games Open  starts TODAY (Wednesday, 02/01): Click here to sign up and represent CFA!
  • The Circle of Awesomeness Challenge is off to a great start! Good luck to all of our participants!
Level 1 – AM
Paul 4
Dusty 4
Celi 3
Andrew 4
Prof 3
Mrs Fro 4
Matthew 4
Wade 4
Gabriel 5
Taylor 4
Eileen 2
Level 2 – AM
Danny 8:00
Albert 10:43
J-Black 12:24
Beast 12:06
Charlie S
JV 12:08
Michael 8:48
Bryan 9:34
Eric 8:49
Schittone 11:02
Can2 9:19
Erica 9:50
Brandon 10:06
Valyn 11:23
Boling 9:02
Fro 9:17
Ballet 8:19
Paddy 10:24
Kavi 12:01
Level 2 – 12P
Ryan 10:24
Heather 11:54
Thurst 13:50
Christina 14:12
Chapel 15:25
Jess 11:23
Level 2 – PM
Zoom 14:01
Geno 12:31
G 13:06
Boone 9:28
Blake 9:12
Shemo 11:35
Helen 10:11
David 8:50
Teeny 10:05
Jenna 9:18
Chrissy 10:58
Sanchez 8:07
Ross 10:13
KT 11:06
Snooki 10:28
Kristin 10:23
Uzi 8:17
Marco 9:44
AG 8:38
Ryan 10:08
LaRos 11:15
Paddy 10:46
Gold 7:12
Mad Dog 9:07
Level 1 – PM
Lola 4
Inline 5
Laila 4
Matt 3
Mel 4
Flury 4
Desiree 3
Ronnie 4
Brandon 4
Meg 4
Peter 5
Adrian 3
Cooey 2
Melissa 4
Nicole 5
Nikolle 4