WOD 2/1

All Levels
A1. KB Swing x15-20 x 4 Rest :30
A2. Ring Rows x15-20 x 4 Rest :30
A3. Goblet Reverse Lunges x15-20 x 4 Rest :30
A4. SA DB/KB Press x15-20/arm x 4 Rest :30

1 Mile Time Trial
*Time Recorded

Power on Ice: Training Routines of the World’s Best Bobsled and Skeleton Athletes
*Post thoughts to comments

“Man is what he believes.” – Anton Chekhov


AM – All
Kara 7:51
Dallas 6:57
Janice 8:57
Ebelia 9:19
Christian 6:01
Alex 9:21
Sparker 8:07
Rulin’ 6:58
April (Row)
JV 8:34
Brad 5:23
Tow Matt 7:13
Nick 7:25
Ed 9:22
Jillian 8:24
Russell 8:09
Ballet 6:26
Ryan 7:29
Ashlee 10:12
Amy 11:55
Suzi 8:25
Steve 12:56
Mer 8:44
Ashley 9:12
Maurica 8:51
Dionne 10:14
12P – All
Marky Marc 7:12
Linzi 7:28
49er 7:28
Amber 7:32
Laila 8:52
E-Rod 8:56
Snick 9:25
Stormye 11:05