WOD 2/11

MindBody Online Sign In

5 x65%
5 x75%
5+ x85%


50 10′ Wall Balls
7 Supine Ring Rows
40 10′ Wall Balls
7 Supine Ring Rows
30 10′ Wall Balls
7 Supine Ring Rows
20 10′ Wall Balls
7 Supine Ring Rows
10 10′ Wall Balls
7 Supine Ring Rows
(M: 20 lb, W: 15 lb)

I have never seen a monument erected to a pessimist. -Paul Harvey

Save your feet go, Barefoot

Sweat with your Sweetheart this Saturday at Town Lake, no Saturday morning workout.
– The end of the Lean, Mean, and Clean Nutrition Phase is rapidly approaching, after pictures taken on Saturday February 20th!


AM Results
Michelle DNF
Betsy 12:48 (ROM)
Walker 12:41 (ROM)
Josh 12:17 Rx
Tow Matt 10:52 (15 lb)
John 11:21 (15 lb)
Amber 10:39 (10 lb ROM)
Kim 10:46 (10 lb ROM)